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Center for Integrated Pest Management

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County Office Directories
- Alamance
- Alexander
- Alleghany
- Anson
- Ashe
- Avery
- Beaufort
- Bertie
- Bladen
- Brunswick
- Buncombe
- Burke
- Cabarrus
- Caldwell
- Camden
- Carteret
- Caswell
- Catawba
- Chatham
- Cherokee
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- Dare
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- Davie
- Duplin
- Durham
- Edgecombe
- Forsyth
- Franklin
- Gaston
- Gates
- Graham
- Granville
- Greene
- Guilford
- Halifax
- Harnett
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- Henderson
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- Hoke
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- Iredell
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- Lenoir
- Lincoln
- Macon
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- Martin
- McDowell
- Mecklenburg
- Mitchell
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- Onslow
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- Pasquotank
- Pender
- Perquimans
- Person
- Pitt
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- Sampson
- Scotland
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- Stokes
- Surry
- Swain
- Transylvania
- Tyrrell
- Union
- Vance
- Wake
- Warren
- Washington
- Watauga
- Wayne
- Wilkes
- Wilson
- Yadkin
- Yancey
Departments and Units with Extension Personnel
- 4-H Youth Development
- Agricultural & Human Sciences
- Agricultural Research Service
- Agricultural and Resource Economics
- Animal Science
- Applied Ecology
- Biological & Agricultural Engineering
- CALS Business Operations
- CALS Office of the Dean
- Center for Environmental Farming Systems
- Center for Integrated Pest Management
- Crop & Soil Sciences
- Design
- Entomology & Plant Pathology
- Extension Administration
- Extension Information Technology
- Extension Organizational Development
- Food, Bioprocessing & Nutrition Sciences
- Forest Biomaterials
- Forestry & Environmental Resources
- Horticultural Science
- Mountain Hort Crops Research & Extension Center
- NC A&T Personnel
- Office of College Advancement
- Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management
- Poultry Science